Social Work Exam Information

Social Work Exam Information
Social work exam information is provided below in four different ares.

There are four different Social Work Exams and which you take will depend on: (a) your state, and (b) your license or certification level.

To find out which exam you must take, the best way is to go to our social work license information page and select your state from the map.  Your states page will come up with clear information outlining which exam is required.

The exams are developed by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) and the levels are as follows:

  • Bachelors Social Work Exam
  • Masters Social Work Exam
  • Advanced Generalist Social Work Exam
  • Clinical Social Work Exam

Details for each social work exam  can be found  below:


Bachelors Social Work Exam Information

The ASWB Bachelors Social Work Exam is designed to be taken upon completion of an accredited BSW program. It measure basic skills gained in the course of earning an undergraduate social work degree. The areas covered in the exam are:

1. Human Development, Diversity and Behavior in the Environment is 27% of the exam

2. Assessment is 28% of the exam

3. Direct and Indirect Practice is 26% of the exam

4. Professional Relationships, Values and Ethics is 19% of the exam

For more information and recommended study guides click here for the Bachelors Social Work Exam


Masters Social Work Exam Information

The ASWB Masters Social Work Exam is designed to be taken upon completion of an MSW or MSSW program. It measure basic skills gained in the course of earning a graduate social work degree. The areas covered in the exam are:

1. Human Development, Diversity and Behavior in the Environment is 28% of the exam

2. Assessment and Intervention Planning is 24% of the exam

3. Direct and Indirect Practice is 21% of the exam

4. Professional Relationships, Values and Ethics is 27% of the exam

For recommended study guides click here for the Masters Social Work Exam


Advanced Generalist Social Work Exam Information

The ASWB Advanced Generalist Social Work Exam is designed to be taken upon completion of 2 years of employment along with generalist social work supervision.  You can check your state for the exact amount of supervision required by visiting the social work license information page. An MSW, MSSW, or DSW is almost always required. The exam measures advanced generalist skills gained in the course of earning a graduate social work degree and working two years post grad in social work. The areas covered in the exam are:

1. Human Development, Diversity and Behavior in the Environment is 18% of the exam

2. Micro Assessment and Planning is 22% of the exam

3. Micro Practice and Social Work Relationsip is 18% of the exam

4. Macro Practice is 18% of the exam

5. Professional Boundaries and Ethics is 24% of the exam

For recommended study guides click here for the Advanced Generalist Social Work Exam


Clinical Social Work Exam Information

The ASWB Clinical Social Work Exam is designed to be taken upon completion of  2 years of employment along with clinical social work supervision.  You can check your state for the exact amount by visiting the social work license information page. An MSW, MSSW, or DSW is almost always required. The exam measures clinical social work skills gained in the course of earning a graduate social work degree and working two years post grad in clinical social work. The areas covered in the exam are:

1. Human Development, Diversity, and Behavior in the Environment is 31% of the exam

2. Assessment, Diagnosing and Treatment Planning is 26% of the exam

3. Psychotherapy, Clinical Interventions and Case Management is 21% of the exam

4. Professional Ethics and Values is 18% of the exam

For recommended study guides click here for the Clinical Social Work Exam

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