DSM-5 News and Debates
SocialWorkSupervisor.com is proud to offer you the latest DSM-5 headlines, breaking news and research. Brought to you by Yahoo News and other research centers, DSM-5 news is updated daily. Browse below to see all the top stories.
- Lifestyle and Community at APA’s Mental Health Services Conference
- Our Drugs, Our Medications
- Journal Digest: Cannabis Use and Head/Neck Cancer, Spousal CVD and Dementia, Childhood Maltreatment and Personal Space, and More
- Blood Test Accurately Detects Alzheimer’s Disease
- Is QT the Best Metric for Detecting Cardiac Risk in Patients Taking Antipsychotics?
- Sex and Gender Have Differential Impacts on Brain Networks in Children
- Careful ‘Deprescribing’ Combats Psychotropic Polypharmacy in Youth
- Residential Smoking Cessation Programs Effective, but Rare
- Short-Term Screen Breaks Linked With Psychological Benefits
- Physician Reluctance to Intervene in SUD Tied to Lack of Institutional Support
- Barriers to Mental Health Care in Migrant Children
- State Advocacy Conference Highlights Work of APA, District Branch Advocates
- Researchers Examine Patients’ Weight Gains When Starting Antidepressants
- Francesc Tosquelles and the Art of Institutional Psychotherapy
- Florida’s Climate Policy Rollback Has Implications for the Mental Health of Residents