Best Clinical Guides for Working with Marriage and Families

The father walks into your office with his 15 year old son, at the same pace, and they sit down simultaneously next to each other.

The mother, with her 14 year old daughter walk in shortly after and sit down, also simultaneously, next to each other directly across from their family counter parts.

Grandma follows quickly and sits very closely to where you are sitting and starts to immediately yell at the people on both sides of the room.

Yea, they are your new clients and yea, we have distilled down several books to help you get the family walking out your door together and cohesive.


Our selection process for books and workbooks is to test them regarding whether they are:

1) Proven effective and are broad enough to be able to be used with various clinical styles and approaches

2) Written specifically to give concrete help, structure, and guidance with little to no fluff. (Your time is important)

Please follow this link for a detailed explanation of our selection criteria.


We welcome comments and suggestions regarding books you have found helpful and would be happy to review and potentially add them to our list.


Mastering Competencies in Family Therapy: A Practical Approach to Theory and Clinical Case Documentation

Family therapy can be complex and confusing. When a text to help you understand how to do family therapy is equally heavy and complex it can make the best of us want to throw in the towel.  This book is written in an organized, light (as much as it can be) fashion with some personality and flair.  All this makes for a text that is both helpful, clear, direct and dare we say it, entertaining?


The Marriage Clinic: A Scientifically Based Marital Therapy (Norton Professional Books)

Sometimes controversial to die hard therapist of one therapeutic modality, this book tends to cross all marriage techniques and gives clear concrete examples of things that can be done with couples to improve their satisfaction with each other.  These techniques are rooted in research and according to Gottman, have been most effective in therapy with couples.


The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country’s Foremost Relationship Expert

This book offers great structure and a clear framework to help a marriage therapist maintain a sound direction with couples who may argue and throw the session topics in multiple directions. This book is also grounded in research.


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