New Hampshire Social Work License Requirements
In the table below is consolidated information for New Hampshire social work license requirements. Social Work has summarized this information to make it simple for social workers to understand.
All information presented can be found at the New Hampshire State Board of Social Work Examiners. We review and update our social work license information for New Hampshire on a periodic basis.
New Hampshire LICSW Licensure
New Hampshire has one of the simplest licensure systems in the country. There is only one license level, the Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW). Information about this license is listed in the table below.
New Hampshire License
- Degree needed to qualify for each license. IMPORTANT: Degree must be from a school accredited by the Counsel on Social Work Education.Degree Requirement
- License required to qualify for the next license level: You must have this license to qualitfy for the next license.Base License/Certification Requirement
- Paid clinical work experience needed to qualify for the license.Experience Hour Requirement
- IMPORTANT: Most state social work boards require minimum standards for supervisors. At Social Work we require that supervisors attest they meet state requirments before they can list with us. Clinical Supervisor Required
- Required supervision time with supervisorClinical Supervision Requirements
- Required Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) exam to qualify for the license. Clinical Exam Requirements
- State social work board license application fee.Application Fee
- Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) exam fee Exam Fee
- After the exam is passed this is the fee paid to the board to get your licenseLicense Fee
- Period in which your license is valid before you must renew.Renewal Period
- Number of continuing education units (called CEUs or CEs) required for license renewalContinuing Education Requirements
- Fee paid to the board for license renewalRenewal Fee
- State Boards review and change license information on a regular basis. Stay up to date by clicking "receive updates" directly to the right. Free State Board Monitoring Service
New Hampshire
- Masters or Doctorate Degree in Social Work
- None
- Post Masters paid clinical experience for minimum of 2 years
- Click here to find a Social Work Supervisor in your areaNew Hampshire LICSW or ACSW
Find New Hampshire Social Work Supervision - 100 hours of individual supervision at a ratio 1 hour per week
- Click here for specific information on the ASWB Clinical ExamClinical ASWB Exam
More information for this Social Work Exam - $150 to the New Hampshire SW Board
- $260 to the ASWB
- $135 to the New Hampshire SW Board
- 2 years
- 40 CEU's see New Hampshire SW Board for specifics
- $270 to the New Hampshire SW Board
- Get License Updates Newsletter Sign Up - License and Certification Updates
New Hampshire Social Work License Applications and Questions
Application Forms for Social Work License in New Hampshire
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LICSW) Application
New Hampshire Board of Mental Health Practice
117 Pleasant Street
Lower Level
Concord, NH 03301
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