Why Become a Social Work Supervisor

We become social workers to help people, to lead lives of value and connection, and to feel like we are making a difference with others, in our communities, and in the world. Offering social work supervision is a natural part of the helping spirit as it is a vehicle for experienced social workers to support and mentor new social workers and to share with them the knowledge and wisdom attained through helping others. Below is a short list of the benefits of becoming a social work supervisor.


1. Social Work Supervisees Need You —

There are approximately 47,000 social work graduates each year who are eligible for supervision according to the Counsel on Social Work Education.


2. Providing Social Work Supervision Can Increase Referrals to Your Practice—

Most social workers do not realize that there are two legs of helping in the social work profession: (1) clients/consumers, and (2) supervisees. Many social workers provide help to only one group and limit their careers. We can help you expand your practice.


3. Consistent Income with Lower No Show Rates—

The average client/consumer comes to between 3-6 sessions. The average social work supervisee training period is 2 years and supervisees come readily to supervision appointments so there are fewer misses and rescheduling calls.


4. Being a Social Work Supervisor Can Expand Your Network—

As your Supervisees become licensed and enter the field your reputation, professional, and referral network grows. This adds up to more supervisee and client/consumer referrals.  Mental Health Agencies are contracting with independent licensed social workers more and more to provide supervision. We can help you get linked.


5. Stay Fresh

Varying your cliental and adding supervision to your practice can bring more vitality, energy, and freshness into your office; helping you stay excited about the profession.


6. You Have Knowledge that Supervisees Need and That Feels Good—

There is no substitute for knowledge acquired in the real world and it feels good to give that knowledge to new social workers and to be appreciated.


7. Social Work Supervision Should be Accessible—

There are many remote counties and city suburbs where there may be no social work supervisors or perhaps only one.  In those counties you will be able to assist social work supervisees who would otherwise have to drive distances for supervision. Your services help the social work field and clients/consumers.


8. Your Experience Matters—

Social work students graduate from programs that are designed to teach basic social work practice knowledge. The field relies on social work supervisors to teach real world skills and to make up the details that are not taught in social work programs. Your services help the social work field and clients/consumers.


9. The Profession Needs You—

Schools of social work have a limited time to teach the core components of Social Work outlined to them by the Counsel on Social Work Education and much of it is non-clinical. Graduating students are sometimes not prepared for mental health front line practice.


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