DSM-5 News and Debates
SocialWorkSupervisor.com is proud to offer you the latest DSM-5 headlines, breaking news and research. Brought to you by Yahoo News and other research centers, DSM-5 news is updated daily. Browse below to see all the top stories.
- Disappointing Results for Esketamine as an Add-On After Acute Phase
- Collegiate Drinking Tied to Perceptions of Maternal Permissiveness
- The Psychiatrist and His Farm
- From the Archives: The Patent Magneto-Electric Machine Box
- Mark Rapaport, M.D., Chosen as President-Elect of APA
- Money, Burnout, and Physician Wellness
- The Untold Story of Migrant Suffering
- Using Palliative Care Judiciously
- APA’s Government, Policy, and Advocacy Update (April 2025)
- Mental Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Amid USAID Funding Withdrawal
- Africa’s ‘Iron Lady’ to Deliver ‘Emerging Voices’ Keynote
- Are We Talking Too Much About Mental Illness?
- Reporting Impaired Colleagues
- Journal Digest: Parents and Mass Shootings, Disparities in LAI Prescriptions, and More
- Special Report: Palliative Psychiatry: An Innovative Approach to Caring