Benefits of Joining Social Work
There are many benefits to joining us and below are just a few.
1. Advertise as a Supervisor —
With an estimated 47,000 social workers graduating every year who are eligible for social work supervision, getting your name out there as social work supervisor makes sense.
95% of all searches for services occur online and we are the only national social work supervisor registry on the web . Do you currently advertise for clients/consumers? Expand your practice and advertise for supervisees. Both groups need your services, so why advertise for just one?
2. Create or Expand Your Online Presence —
When you list with us you will have a personal web page on a top ranked social work site which you can use to expand and enhance your social presence via connection to facebook, twitter, linkin, or other social media services.
It is simple for supervisees to contact you, either by email right from your webpage or by any other means you specify. If you have an existing website then you get an automatic backlink from to improve your SEO performance and enhance your website exposure. If you don’t know what that means, trust us, it’s a good thing!
3. Optimized…Evaluate…..Optimize……
We are optimized for Google SEO and take every measure to assure high exposure.
And we don’t just stop there, we are consistently thinking and working on ways to help support the field which brings social workers of all levels to our site, giving you the exposure you need for a thriving practice.
4. Network—
Through Joining SocialWorkSupervisor you become part of a community of national social workers who are searched not only by supervisees but also by mental health agencies, corporations and insurance companies.
You will be found on local and national searches, allowing people to get to know you by reading your supervisor webpage, and to contact you for supervision right from our site!
5. We Offer Valuable Free Information on Social Work licensure Across all States —- is a valuable resource for social work students, graduates, and social work professionals alike because we offer clear, free, and updated information on state license requirements and board updates.
Because of this we attract social workers looking for license information and supervision.
6. Support the Profession —
What you know and what you have learned from your practice matters. Universities have turned much of their attention to grants and funding, as a result teaching is not always the highest priority any longer.
Part of helping others is teaching young social workers how to help others. Your expertise in real world practice is greatly needed.